How Semi Trucks Are Crash Tested

Have you ever wondered why crash tests are necessary for semi trucks? Both consumer vehicles and commercial semi trucks must undergo crash tests. Some of these tests are similar to those that go through production vehicles, while others are designed specifically for trucks. Thanks to truck companies like Volvo and Scania, as well as the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, safety standards for these trucks are only getting better!

Big rigs or semi-trucks undergo crash tests for several reasons. Crash tests help assess the safety features and structural integrity of semi-trucks. This is crucial in ensuring the protection of the truck driver and other road users in the event of a collision. In addition, crash tests are often mandated by regulatory bodies and safety standards. Manufacturers need to ensure that their trucks meet or exceed these standards to legally operate on the roads. Crash tests provide valuable data on how a truck's design performs under impact. This information helps manufacturers refine their engineering and design processes, leading to the development of safer vehicles.

The IIHS conducts crash tests on various vehicles, including big rigs. These tests contribute to safety ratings that can influence consumer perception and potentially impact insurance rates for trucking companies. Most importantly, crash testing drives innovation in safety technology. By identifying weaknesses or areas for improvement, manufacturers can implement new safety features and technologies to enhance overall crashworthiness.

To summarize, crash tests for big rigs contribute to overall road safety, compliance with regulations, and continuous improvement in vehicle design and technology. They play a pivotal role in protecting lives, reducing accidents, and advancing the safety standards of commercial trucks. Watch the video below and see how trucks get torn apart and how most of them can withstand the most powerful impacts!